In THE BEGining there was NCC-1701 launched from Earth station McKinnley. Aboard was Ensign Spock, and Captain Pike. However during an away mission Capt. Pike suffered a dibilatating injury and command of NCC-1701/Enterprise was assigned to Capt. James T Kirk. Amazing isn't it? After all this time a venture and a dramatic venture it was for both Gene Roddenberry as well as NBC to bodly go where no man had gone before. And yet look now, 44 years later through all kinds of extensions we are still flying through space at warp speed. And loving every parsec of it. Next fall Paramount Pictures(aka-CBS) will take us back aboard a totally new Enterprise well not really new, same Constitution Class starship, and new faces but the same names. What the production team mainly JJ. Abrams has done is substitute new actors into the old characters. Will it work? Perhaps, but as experiments have proven such as the release of the Movie version of The Dukes-of-Hazzard replacing too many old characters with new people can have a serious bad reaction Sure the kids of today will love in but pure Trekkies like myself ask why? Just as it was the Dukes, with only a few of the older actors gone why not use who we have still? That said, when Star Wars creator said there would be no more after the Revenge of the Sith, there is another about to be released on August 17th 2008. Is this an attempt to get out Star Wars, before Star Trek? Or is there another purpose? Further inquiry required. However I think in this case resistance is futile, and all will be assimilated. By the way, am I the only one who noticed? But does 7 of 9 of the Voyager series have some major hooters? Just remember not to forget the beginnings for the new . Live Long and Prosper.
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