It's not yet done but it's getting close. Back in 2002 I discovered quite by accident a streaming radio station and thought why can't we do this? Then with tons of manure just never quite got at it. In 2005 I finally thought I was in the beginnings but got called back into service by the USMC so again all was put on hold. Okay its 2008 and its time to get our combined print and streaming radio internet site flowing for all who love flying as well as those going towing or trucking Hazzard County style. While I will not yet tell you to go visit the site, I will tell you it will be at what follows after that will be done slowly and carefully, with a pro web site builder, to make sure its as goof proof as it can be. Likewize however that being what it is and all studio and office hq's need to be found, and approved and so on. The printed version of the web site will have not only my daily barkings and bytes but we'll have such great things you'll wonder if its really us doing it. But it is. Now finally as I eluded to last blog. When I did a Google search for hot women posing with hot trucks all I saw was some porn sites along with big high rise 4X4's , but not the kind of truck you and I get into, likewise nothing like a super seatcover in a tight Nomex flight suit with a vintage warbyrd. That will be fixed, very soon with some long awaited photography with some of ya'll's rigs and byrds. The thing will be called Highway Honeys and Haulers, the Hot Hooker's and Haulers of yesteryear is something we really can't do cuzz since the climate where I hang my hat even if I do get the bunk house in Hammett is ultra conservative but who knows maybe in a few months we as an organization can revisit that. For me as an individual no can do, too much manure would result as it did in both CokeVille as well as Bountiful . This time when I move, and finally unpack I'm staying put for some time to come. I'd still be in Heyburn if that ass wipe Brian Nugent hadn't gave me and song and dance that I paid for, overpaid is the word I'd use. Waiting for Mr. Cable to get here so good numbers to ya'll see ya'll out on the highway.
3's and double 88's.
Quote of the day:
Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning. - Rick Cook
Zechariah 14:9“The LORD will be king over the whole earth. On that day there will be one LORD, and his name the only name.” Brought to you by Copyright (C) NIV. All Rights Reserved. |

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