Psalm 119:30“I have chosen the way of truth; I have set my heart on your laws.” Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) NIV. All Rights Reserved. |
by AyreWolf
Here it is another Sunday at both the Wolf's Den and the eastern Idaho HQ of the VMA214. Outside the weather has been teasing me thinking it was going to storm but the teasing was enuff that most of both the BlackSheep as well as the AyreWolves decided to stay grounded. We all looked for the weekly NASCAR race but that some how eluded us and so I began me weekly intel gathering of the weekly news as that provides ammo for the following weeks TV shows on CH-12 here in our district as well as Treasure Valley Cable TV . That all said I'm purtty much convinced that few if anyone really works on Sunday and those providing TV entertainment are not working either in fact most TV execs don't give a squat that we all are sitting here in front of our TV's wanting to just kick back relax and scan a good night movie of some sort. Forget that we as a population because of the not so made up economic crisis can't afford to go snag a movie from the theaters and myself few things short of a root canal makes me cringe more than a bunch of snot nosed kids attached to their parents going to a public movie place at $10.00 or better a shot. While I was able to catch a nap or two I think part of our economic handicap is that way too many people are too damn lazy when compared to the rest of the nations on our planet Mother Earth. Granted not all of the downfall of our current finances can be laid on the door step of those fat cat business and that includes media executives but it sure deserves to be partly placed there for them to step into like a pile of dawg stuff that so many smell like. Military people, farmers and a few other professions like us emergency vehicle recovery technicians are some of the few and proud people who not only take pride in our careers but also the industries and vocations that make up those careers . Thing is I'd very much like to see others do the same. One of the reasons Television is loosing so much revenue is it is nearly too lazy and thus not to stimulated to create new or at least programming that makes us not want to move away from our TV sets, digital or not. What can fix this? More on Monday. Okay one last rant here. Starting on the 26th of July, the Friday edition of my TV show will no longer be. Since I no longer can see any real need for it. However and extra half hour is going to be attached to my Wednesday gigs, that all said more effort on my part will be devoted to the reason the TV thing was drawn up and quartered to begin with, to tell the story of the VMF214/VMA214 USCMC Nuff sEdd. But since it is Sunday a day of so called rest,...
Quote of the day:
Everything is vague to a degree you do not realize till you have tried to make it precise. - Bertrand Russell
Over yonder at channel 12 where I carve out Dixie Diesel Highway Hooker TV there is one mobile camera among all the others that gets checked out more than just about all the rest available. It is a Cannon GL2 that is for the most part easy to use, uncomplicated and has a bunch of features many of which others who do shows at cable channel 12 of Pocatello Idaho. However while the camera is great and granted one must be tolerant of the other producers at CH-12 one above all gets more than their fair share of sway on checking the equipment out. The dude who checks it out the most is some cat who does up this sportsman outdoor show. If he don't bring it back in a timely manner to my viewing gets little if any noise made to them, let me not bring it back on time and its like I cut the throat of someone important there at city hall. The other day one of the employees at CH-12 and I were talking and we got to comparing Boise's cable access channel and Pocatello's CH-12. Boise charges for the privilege of putting on the shows on their channel while Pocatello does it for free. What CH-12 gets is quantity not quality. Boise the other way around. Which Boise is where my shows will run as I got a full green light to hit the pavement headed to Glenn's Ferry Idaho come August, But getting back to CH-12 Wednesday I was told I could not stay and finish some work I was doing after my Wednesday(14:30 to 15:30 hours) show. Because the next live show was due in shortly. What I saw was an hour that I could also fill, humm, what's up with that? Can you say Brown lips? Any way more menyanna, me needs sleep, next blog, the limitations of YouTube.
Psalm 119:7“I will praise you with an upright heart as I learn your righteous laws.” Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) NIV. All Rights Reserved. |
When I was assigned my duty station in the USCMC it was normal to sit down when off duty which was by the way not usual but I watched TV. At least AFRTS on board the carriers I was assigned to. That said, I became interested in doing work on board some of the ships I was on in AFRTS or Armed Forces Radio Television Service, and began in radio which I loved then looked at doing TV which was okay but I loved radio better. For radio you could look like dung but still do a good show. On TV you had to dress up to do a show. Nuff sedd on that. However I developed a keen interest in the production of TV shows especially news. However what bytes my butt is this reality TV shit. Some of the dumbest and crappiest TV is what is seen. It makes one wonder how damn stupid has our nation become? If a so called alien planet body sent investigators to mother Earth to look us over, and saw the TV we watch in the USA(CSA) those visitors from a distant star would surely post a sign at alphasentri somewhere saying avoid Earth if you can cuzz them folks are down right stupid. No intelligent beings live there. Last what February or so when those Hollywood writers went on strike they left a deep hole in the way TV and movies are made. Quite frankly I have not seen a intelligent or really creative script or story in years. While I'm as Hazzard County perhaps more so than many as anyone, the fact is even the Dukes-of-Hazzard Movie was trash before it hit the screen. Casting was off with people you knew had not worked a serious film or good story line in years if at all. The AyreWolves a sibling of the Hazzard County Knytes are working to fix that with a making of or remake of the hit TV show AirWolf as well as a redoux of The Dukes-of-Hazzard, B.J. & the Bear to name a few. To make sure these films are seen(scene) we are heating up our own TV station, based in BlackFoot Idaho but also will create a worldwide Network, from that base in BlackFoot Idaho. But that on the wing are we the only ones looking and seeing nothing good on TV? More on that later in the day.
L8R Aviators
Romans 1:16“I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile.” Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) NIV. All Rights Reserved. |
Among the great creatures of our world there is a very serious misunderstanding of the Wolf. The Wolf in both stories, Lore and just plain ignorance is not repeat not the big bad dawg or vicious creature so many make this great creature out to be. The Wolf is not a vicious killer although situations do occur between man and Wolf from man invading so many of the Wolf's places to hunt to get food, is that the Wolf's fault? Are we not as humans supposed to be the grand intelligent above all knowing of all creatures placed on this planet? Yet we invade the Wolf's home and expect the Wolf to remain undisturbed. Wolves can be tamed and once so, are more loyal than any canine. In fact the one miknowmer is that the Wolf is not really a canine, although some similarities do exist but very few. The Wolf although we as humans have labeled them as such are not some strange creature sent by Satan to prey on Humans nor is the Wolf inheritably bad. The Wolf in fact is docile and only becomes mean if its territory is disturbed. Not the big bad wolf that ate red ridding hood. If anything man is the big bad creature not the Wolf. I respect and love these creatures and defend them as co-inhabitants of our planet. More over most wolves I know are friends of mine. More on that in my next Blog.
L8R Aviators
Quote of the day:
An optimist stays up to see the New Year in. A pessimist waits to make sure the old one leaves. - Bill Vaughan
Colossians 2:9-10“For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, and you have been given fullness in Christ, who is the head over every power and authority.” Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) NIV. All Rights Reserved. |
It has been sedd by many much wiser than I that the best things in life are free, and I'd like to say I agree, but when the so called free whatever it is works better than something that costs up the ying yang shouldn't those in charge of the ying yang look at what is free and try to meet that performance value? Case-n-Point, had a account for Internet service with both BridgeMaxx and Cable One here in Pocatello. Yet the wifi connection located somewhere near me runs warp speed next to both these two other high cost ISP's, Now if it was me in business charging up the wah zoo for Internet service running 7 meg speed and I found out there was a free service running near 15 meg speed, I'd want to equal that value wouldn't ya'll? So here it is no pay check yet fro HQ in SLC which I'm purtty sure will be here in the morning since I went down to the Post Office here and griped a little. Of course the lady at the window at our Post Office could not really answer the question why mail runs so much faster from SLC to Heyburn Idaho than it does from SLC to Pocatello, even with the fact that Burley/Heyburn's mail has to pass through Twin Falls first. Finally although I'm toning things down at CH-12 am going to try to be there through July, and although I really do not like it am looking at putting things in place here in the immediate Pocatello area. After all if I was to be moving and it be in God's vision for me to do so things would fall much faster into place than they are. Kinda like spitting into the wind. Next touch and go , Brandi.
Quote of the day:
No one can earn a million dollars honestly. - William Jennings Bryan
Psalm 18:30“As for God, his way is perfect; the word of the LORD is flawless. He is a shield for all who take refuge in him.” Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) NIV. All Rights Reserved. |
I read with some measure of humor about this blog I saw from Google saying how they are making it better? Making what better? Oh sure Google is the king of search and consumer cloud computing but Google has yet to meet enterprise demands that qualify as software and utilities for Small to Medium sized business's. But that said and a very great hats off and congrats to Google for doing what they have done. But would it hurt Google to have a user info help desk phone number or call in service? Sure help pages and FAQ pages help a little, but when your trying to find information to get Google's help in, forget it. Dr. Schmidt is not going to call of course and so on, but a response from the Mountain View California computer SAAS company could give some sort of site map and a phone number of some sort. Granted as huge as Google is and a worldwide company would get billions upon billions of calls, per day , per hour. But that said, having a line for SMB's would help, for things like Adsense and so on. That way if you truly needed help from the mother ship you could get it. I find this to be the same attitude with some of our so called OTR trade organizations. Sure OOIDA when they were small were available 24/7, but look at who was there first the ITA, and as a chapter of the remnants of the ITA, the UITA and us in the Rode Eaglez Association among others, with the various real world challenges the UITA is there to to be served, but to serve you who deliver and haul this nation and the world and our towing brothers and sisters. So really Google and others who really is Making it Better? The UITA, and us in the Rode Eaglez Association.
Quote of the day:
Politics is the skilled use of blunt objects. - Lester B. Pearson
Zechariah 14:9“The LORD will be king over the whole earth. On that day there will be one LORD, and his name the only name.” Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) NIV. All Rights Reserved. |
It's not yet done but it's getting close. Back in 2002 I discovered quite by accident a streaming radio station and thought why can't we do this? Then with tons of manure just never quite got at it. In 2005 I finally thought I was in the beginnings but got called back into service by the USMC so again all was put on hold. Okay its 2008 and its time to get our combined print and streaming radio internet site flowing for all who love flying as well as those going towing or trucking Hazzard County style. While I will not yet tell you to go visit the site, I will tell you it will be at www.ayrewolffm.com what follows after that will be done slowly and carefully, with a pro web site builder, to make sure its as goof proof as it can be. Likewize www.ayrewolfradio.com however that being what it is and all studio and office hq's need to be found, and approved and so on. The printed version of the web site will have not only my daily barkings and bytes but we'll have such great things you'll wonder if its really us doing it. But it is. Now finally as I eluded to last blog. When I did a Google search for hot women posing with hot trucks all I saw was some porn sites along with big high rise 4X4's , but not the kind of truck you and I get into, likewise nothing like a super seatcover in a tight Nomex flight suit with a vintage warbyrd. That will be fixed, very soon with some long awaited photography with some of ya'll's rigs and byrds. The thing will be called Highway Honeys and Haulers, the Hot Hooker's and Haulers of yesteryear is something we really can't do cuzz since the climate where I hang my hat even if I do get the bunk house in Hammett is ultra conservative but who knows maybe in a few months we as an organization can revisit that. For me as an individual no can do, too much manure would result as it did in both CokeVille as well as Bountiful . This time when I move, and finally unpack I'm staying put for some time to come. I'd still be in Heyburn if that ass wipe Brian Nugent hadn't gave me and song and dance that I paid for, overpaid is the word I'd use. Waiting for Mr. Cable to get here so good numbers to ya'll see ya'll out on the highway.
3's and double 88's.
Quote of the day:
Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning. - Rick Cook
Zechariah 14:9“The LORD will be king over the whole earth. On that day there will be one LORD, and his name the only name.” Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) NIV. All Rights Reserved. |
As I awakened to a brand new Monday early morning I clicked on my email and saw more spam trash mail. So without anything really pending I clicked on the unsubscribe tab. The question is will these spam offers really stop coming into my email? Or is this a way for those spam centers senders to really see that YOU or me is a real address via the Internet and email, or as I question will they really go away? More on DukesFest and so on later, I'm nursing a big headache and have Jury duty at a JAG hearing in Burley at 16:00 Hours.
L8R Aviators
Quote of the day:
Finance is the art of passing money from hand to hand until it finally disappears. - Robert W. Sarnoff
Zechariah 14:9“The LORD will be king over the whole earth. On that day there will be one LORD, and his name the only name.” Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) NIV. All Rights Reserved. |
Before I get going here need to say nobody panic. Both BlackSheep Towing as well as Dixie Towing is still us. However that said SpeedWolf Towing is us in Pocatello Idaho. Nuff sedd there. With that said I need to speak my peace here. I logged on the web site www.trfootnotes.com Wrote a letter to the editor concerning something I saw in this months edition, and saw on the FootNotes home page a link to TowTalk.net . So I logged on there and tried 5 times to register there and finally gave up. They have this security code on their registration form that try as I might just could not satisfy the blooming thing so I said pee on this. My opinion is if someone is going to build a web site especially if that site is going to have a forum thing is don't make it so dang hard to register to air your voice. In fact if you can't get your web site operating well give it up. Get a good web site builder to build it right, then offer it to us not offer the thing with bugs that will make it where someone finally sezz adios. As both the Rode Knytes Association and us here in the AyreWolves Vintage Warbyrd Aviation Association builds our site you can bet your next tow that it will run right, before we tell you its up. Granted tech goofs are just a part of computers and the Internet, likewise IT development is not what it is supposed to be but the fact is, test drive the thing daily to make sure its running on all 8 . If not put up a notice so everybody who logs onto that site of yours is having fits and give a real contact point so that people can tell you the site is disabled or not operating right. In case you did not know before hand. Any mile that's my gripes this morning. So TowTalk get it right or pull the plug. More in the PM.
Quote of the day:
An intellectual is a person who has discovered something more interesting than sex. - Aldous Huxley
2 Peter 3:9“The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.” Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) NIV. All Rights Reserved. |
I can remember and I'm not that old, only in the circle pattern over the 50 yard line of the game of life, but I can remember when flying even military ayrecraft was done without all the fly by wire computerized avionics, that's right flown by sweat not a computer. That said doing all we do here in the AyreWolves Vintage Warbyrd Aviation Association most could not be done without a computer, or at least Internet access to post blogs etc. With that on your HUD, I caught this sneaky email program by the handle of TAGGED. Where its supposed to be one of these social networking sites, the problem its a open door for spam and tons of it. If you get this spoof ignore it and avoid it where you can . Spam invites trash and more over virus's so if you get an invite from someone with the TAGGED web site, delete it.
Okay then the Miss AyreWolves Project.
To better get out the news and views of what we are doing here in our organization through the many aviation publications among a few venues but also including TV ads on the Military Channel and on the History Channel among just a few, the ayrecrew here at the HQ of the AyreWolves Vintage Warbyrd Aviation Association, have decided to launch both an online as well as in person talent search to find a Miss AyreWolf for the promotion of our group, as said. The winning talent snags a $150k modeling contract with royalties plus a bunch of other aspiring media perks. So if your a hot looking honey wanting to make some good money give us a call at 208-705-0676. Noon to 17:00 hours Mountain Standard Time Tuesdays and Thursdays, or email us at ayrewof@gmail.com for further 411.
More in the PM
Quote of the day:
If I had to live my life again, I'd make the same mistakes, only sooner.
Matthew 16:25“For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it.” Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) NIV. All Rights Reserved. |
Just because someone wants to be a member of the AyreWolves does not mean they truly get to be a member of the AyreWolves. As it has been said, many are called few are chosen. When one decides they want to be a member of the AyreWolves the first thing they need to do is send an email to ayrewolf@gmail.com requesting AyreWolves Aviation Association membership information. Then they need to give a real working phone number be it cell phone or land line. We in the recruiting command make a phone call to that perspective member. We invite them in for an interview. If they are seeking active flying membership we also ask for them to fly their byrd in for our inspection with all FAA required paper work to be current. If their ayrecraft is still under construction we fly to them look it over then we decide if its a valid AyreWolves caliber ayrecraft. Once that is done a FAA physical is required along with an extensive background investigation is requested and if that passes mustard then we invite that perspective member recruit in for a second interview with executive officers . Then after that if all still is in good standing and to our qualifications then we establish a task for that recruit to pass, as an initiation . The task can be anything from finding female model talent for future membership TV ad to finding food for one of our ayreshows. If that perspective recruit passes the initiation, then membership dues are collected, and a entire membership vote is requested on that perspective recruit, If that recruit is voted on in a good way that perspective member then is put on a 120 day probation period. Then if that new recruit performs their duties well then an only then are they allowed to be a member and that recruit is assigned rank, membership number given a organization jacket and is then a member. If however that recruit fails in any way of meeting AyreWolves Aviation Association standards their dues money is refunded and our masters at arms escorts that person away from our HQ and will be reexamined at a future date. As I said many are called few are chosen.
Next blog, the Miss AyreWolves project, L8R Aviators.
Quote of the day:
The public is wonderfully tolerant. It forgives everything except genius. - Oscar Wilde
Matthew 16:25“For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it.” Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) NIV. All Rights Reserved. |
Welcome to the home of the AyreWolves Vintage Warbyrds Association. Much has been written about those old ayrecraft that saved many ground forces lives, as well as helped create and still protects our freedom in not only the Confederate States of America but also the United States of America. Years ago during the civil war of the States was created a militia called the United Confederate Marines. While the UCMC no longer exists today we in the AyreWolves are recreating the force in our officership rankings and construction of our organization. While many of our membership have served as well as currently serve in many military aviation forces, we are the descendents and reassigned members of the legendary VMF214 and VMA214 BlackSheep Squadron. After all there are always wolves in amongst sheep as it is said. In future blogs of our organization I will report the news of our group, relate history of some of the ayrecraft we flew as well as the many ayrecraft we have restored to flying status and own and currently fly. Hope you all enjoy it. Our membership is open to all vintage warbird(warbyrd) enthusiasts from all walks of life. Our dues are moderate at $100.00 per year with hosts of benefits. If you should want to join, just call us at 208-705-0676 .
L8R Aviators
Quote of the day:
An intellectual is a person who has discovered something more interesting than sex. - Aldous Huxley
Matthew 16:25“For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it.” Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) NIV. All Rights Reserved. |