Thursday, August 8, 2024

trust me it was not all that much of a compliment.

So was diddling my thumbs so dropped the initials FORD as Farmers Oriental Rice Digger. What it was , was a kind of insult with all Asian made cars and trucks entering our nation as well as invading our real national home bredsport Stock Car[truck] Racing. In short NASCAR. 
I about choked when I saw the mock up of a electric stock car being paraded around by the NASCAR  royalty. Nearly as bad as when they let in Toyota into the sport. Who thought that one πŸ€” up ? For that matter why? Did somebody in old man French's office say hey let's bring in foreign makes into the mix. At that rate VW Nissan, and Honda should have been and could still be included of the foreign manufacturers in the sport. Hell for that matter how about allowing a Saturn or a Saab into the allowable manufacturers? Look it's bad enough that the powers that be are politicizing and urbanizing NASCAR  our flags our traditions and such are gearing ran through the manure. It's time that we traditionalists and purisists say quit stepping on NASCAR.  Let's keep the activity here in America. For that matter let's make NASCAR  southern again. 
Now is this the track we want to be on? Somehow I don't think so. I think πŸ€” that our world or at least our nation that so many of us fought and some died over is being handed over to parts of this planet that don't share our beliefs and or values. 
If you think that Hamas and Isreal fighting is it think again.  It's just the first volley of things to come. 
Glenn Beck asked on his radiocast tonight why the refugees are invading our borders. It's because we have let them.  Those South American nations want what we have. Albeit being threatened but we have freedom.  At least to a point. 
These elections are rigged have been since 1870 and will continue to be until we as citizens stand up and SAY NO MORE. Take our  nation back.  The only way that happens is under and by today's Confederacy. 
The Christian values that make up that region of origin are not just for Dixie.  Those Confederate values are shared by every single member of the Knytes and WolfPack. 
There are those that claim that the Confederacy was about racism and slavery.  It's the pre programmed history being taught in our schools to our children and even by some organized religions. The real truth is that the war of the invasion of the north was about states rights and injustices.  Not by enslaving anyone. Yet you can't convince most of those in power that their understanding is way off base. 
Only when we start to create a serious civil uprising and get the Southern Movement Party in front of the rest of this nation's political leaders and every day citizens will that vision become reality. As I have said before and I will say It again when old Glory and our beloved crossed flag flies together will this nation be truly UNITED.  But not until. 

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

good night or good day this old Grey Wolf

GOOD night or good day depending on your geographic location on Earth. 
This old Grey Wolf is going to bed πŸ›Œ now. 

to whom may read part duox 2

Of course there are those hand me outs that are not as they claim to be. 
Over the past few weeks been attending meetings of both A.A. and N.A. I have found solace in those meetings but, have felt and that with all of the oh we are here for you and we are here to support you, that you know that when it comes to something simply as a hey we know you need, if it has to be something like money that in fact the support is greatly diminished. If it was there at all.  Don't expect it don't even think about asking for it. 
This U.S. of A states is in a serious depression.  Nobody wants to admit that but we are. Rather than stimulating any kind of economic progress to gain any traction to making one self sufficient what you really get is a sense of retaining dependency. No one wants a society that can think or survive on their own. 
These are the social norms that we are ΔΊiving with today and most likely way into the future. 
The A.A. prayer goes as: God give us the serenity to change the things we can change Tollarenc to accept those we cannot change and the wisdom to know the difference. 
That said the Knytes/WolfPack believe that you can't save everyone but we sure as hell are going to try. 
This means giving of ourselves and pledging to be there and supporting the downtrodden and those not so affluent. It's called real love for all beings be it a pesky house fly trying to survive to the ambitious ant 🐜 working to keep its community healthy. In both cases we as thinking feeling and reasoning mammals to take care of each other's. 
Granted we are not our brethrens keepers but in the same glide path God said and I quote, thou shalt not eat bread alone.  That means we are to help all our mammalian beings.
And don't get me into organized religion. 
While we should never elect to be idel always vigilant. 
L8R Aviators 

to whom it may read.

To whom it may read. Do you ever just sit in your ride. Flip on the dope light and digest the internals of a great novel? 
I do. From near birth my sweet Mum taught me the joy of reading. I am not saying ever that I am the most intelligent guy on these plains of the mountain west frontier but that gift of reading has enabled me to learn and learn anything and everything that there is to know. Even erotic and the exotic things. No matter the subject. Of course there were something things my Mum and my Dad forbid or just hid from my curious eyes. Mostly Playboy magazines and the like. I used to sneak into and read in the back of the store the latest editions of Playboy at Sullivan's Department Store in Wendell Idaho. I was just a Freshman in High school but even then curious about what made the humanoid female anatomy work.  Mostly from the scientific point of view. I still even today wonder and ponder the concepts of the human mating rituals and appetites. Even terminologies. Such as the human feminazi structure of the Genetals. We say that her Libia is pink. Nope it isn't pink. If it has a color it's more like plum purple πŸ’œ or deep bluish magenta it is not pink. 
Then there is the fascination of a human feminazia rear end. Why? If one were only to conjure up the idea that her anal cavity is where she [ like it or not] poops. Eating tasting dung of any creature is just at least to me not desirable. The thought of many then ask but, you like her feet. Sure. If feet and toes are pedicures and clean feet are sweet. In or out of wearing nylons. Get rid of toe jamb and other ill things and feet can be a very pleasurable experience. If one considers that the human phoote is one of the most ergonise zones of her nervous system and stimulating that system engorges other bodily mechanisms plus there are more things to toy with. Toes, Arches, heels, ankles ligatures.  Hey what's not to like? The reason basic reason that many women don't want you near her pheete is not that she is  iashamed of them. 


Tuesday, August 6, 2024

getting or helping those in need. What a big lie that is.

Even though I am not in a big mess housing wise the fact that I sleep in the General and all makes this one of if not thee main focus right now. This too will pass but I go toba bunch of self help groups and meetings meant for those that are Chemically dependent and wonder why the cat turds isn't there a program for those of us caught at the brink of inhospitable conditions. You can blame it on politics politicians politicians that pocket public funds for paving roads that long ago were done . Fact is its all of the above. It's not just Idaho or Wyoming or even Utah.  It's nationwide. Bec0oming self sufficient is the goal of most people, but how do you stay alive long enough to allow a crop of those efforts germinate and produce a yield? Granted there are bums and Lazy people who enjoy hoboing but the majority of us would rather be productive members of society rather than just holding out our hands begging. Sure I  have seen the panhandle out. Much more now days here in the greater Twin Falls Idaho area. That said after your pride has been stepped on enough you lose the will to even try. So u become more susceptible to becoming Chemically dependent.  That eventually creates a serious situation of possible incarceration and fines and the endless need to use rather than live life.
Abuse of narcotics is on the rise even more these days. Granted I think there is lots of room in the positive to legalizing canabus. But as much as it is good until the big Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and such are in governmental roles that won't happen in Utah or Idaho.  Shit I am surprised that Wyoming allowed it. 😳 Considering the geographic local of the heart ❤️ of the Church Utah is to Wyoming. Even so the big lie of those giving help to those in need is a lie. Unless your a very close friend or kin of someone in the position of doling out of those benefits, forget it.
There are solutions and ones that are not discussed at anyone's dinner table if there is one. Speaking of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, the πŸ’‘ idea of harvest hhhChurch welfare programs was to assist those who needed to buy a plow to plow a field, plant a crop then harvest it to feed and house their families. However there should not be a severe limit on how much or how often.  Yet when I needed help I was issued a court order to stay away. Forget the Testimony talk stuff. THE gall dang Mormonites never have followed much if anything the preach. It is a do as I say not as I do condition. 
Could these needed needs of people who just got down on their luck be cured? Sure. But there are too many fingers in the cookies for that to happen. 
L8R Aviators 

Monday, August 5, 2024

the Wolf's Howl

I can't sleep. Too hot outside little circulation and been running my a/c on ye Ole General. 
So tuned into the George Norray Show.  I will not call it Coast to Coast AM. C2C AM is Art Bell not this audio bs of the History Channel's Ancient Aliens. It just is not the show that was when Art Bell ran it. Outside of our network stations and shows I have crossed the nation via Western Star rig.
During those rare times I can't tune in one of our stations I listen to C2C AM such as it is.
I also hate that many talk show hosts are always barking about some product or network..  The product thing is grand but too, at times they bark about a product or service of something that they have never really used. You know that, that anchor host is getting a major kickback commission on barking about the product. As far as their own network offerings it's just a big dick waving contest rather than just a program update.
Then there are those fan sites. Sheesh , they charge you big cash out of your stash just to get rebroadcast episodes. C2C AM does not need that much promotional activity.  It's a great show without all the mirrors and smoke.
To date we at HazzardAyre Radio have never went down that runway. We produce a quality program based on what is good in this nation and other nations. Let the main.station /programs.
But maybe we should merchandise.
Stay tuned in. 

Monday, April 15, 2024

Some got it some don't

There is a certain irony in the fact that most people are not cut out to be associated with the WolfPack or the Knytes.  We are rebels we are unorthodox and we fight the system.  Which is why we succeed where others fail.  Regardless of the circumstances we get things done to serve our members and the trusted audience that depend on us to keep them entertained and informed.  Weather and road conditions, Confederate news and education and aviation  news. As well as aviation flight conditions that few report on we are there 25/7/365. That commitment has never wavered not even for a second. Which is why we operate 24 hours LIVE . Neither rain snow ❄️ or pandemic we have been on the air since 1974 and we are not giving up even if we have to import on air talent from other areas. We are what πŸ“» radio is all about.  We put personality into radio not just yap. 
Sadly to say our first trainee decided because of family obligations not to be part of the HazzardAyre  A Team. It's like I have said once and will say again.  We are different we operate from a Hazzard County frame of mind and that as the title theme to our name sake TV show said it, that might be a bit more than law and community will allow.
This evening I got orders that in 4 days we have to. Relocate our MonkeyShines studio πŸŽ™.  But not all is not lost have a few favors to call on that will get us there. That monkeyshit place wasn't a good fit for . The dork that owns it is a scallywag carpet bagger. So it's parting by mutual agreement. No real loss. Anybody else would quit. The Hazzard Knytes won't. We Have something others don't, it's called Hazzard County tenacity.  Any mile out of the Xstay in the morning then finding a new πŸŽ™  for the short haul until the big station is built.thank all you supporters and associates. I  won't be on air for a few days in doing detective work finding us a new studio location. 
Good Knyte and pleasant dreams 😴.