Wednesday, August 7, 2024

to whom may read part duox 2

Of course there are those hand me outs that are not as they claim to be. 
Over the past few weeks been attending meetings of both A.A. and N.A. I have found solace in those meetings but, have felt and that with all of the oh we are here for you and we are here to support you, that you know that when it comes to something simply as a hey we know you need, if it has to be something like money that in fact the support is greatly diminished. If it was there at all.  Don't expect it don't even think about asking for it. 
This U.S. of A states is in a serious depression.  Nobody wants to admit that but we are. Rather than stimulating any kind of economic progress to gain any traction to making one self sufficient what you really get is a sense of retaining dependency. No one wants a society that can think or survive on their own. 
These are the social norms that we are ĺiving with today and most likely way into the future. 
The A.A. prayer goes as: God give us the serenity to change the things we can change Tollarenc to accept those we cannot change and the wisdom to know the difference. 
That said the Knytes/WolfPack believe that you can't save everyone but we sure as hell are going to try. 
This means giving of ourselves and pledging to be there and supporting the downtrodden and those not so affluent. It's called real love for all beings be it a pesky house fly trying to survive to the ambitious ant 🐜 working to keep its community healthy. In both cases we as thinking feeling and reasoning mammals to take care of each other's. 
Granted we are not our brethrens keepers but in the same glide path God said and I quote, thou shalt not eat bread alone.  That means we are to help all our mammalian beings.
And don't get me into organized religion. 
While we should never elect to be idel always vigilant. 
L8R Aviators 

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