Tuesday, August 6, 2024

getting or helping those in need. What a big lie that is.

Even though I am not in a big mess housing wise the fact that I sleep in the General and all makes this one of if not thee main focus right now. This too will pass but I go toba bunch of self help groups and meetings meant for those that are Chemically dependent and wonder why the cat turds isn't there a program for those of us caught at the brink of inhospitable conditions. You can blame it on politics politicians politicians that pocket public funds for paving roads that long ago were done . Fact is its all of the above. It's not just Idaho or Wyoming or even Utah.  It's nationwide. Bec0oming self sufficient is the goal of most people, but how do you stay alive long enough to allow a crop of those efforts germinate and produce a yield? Granted there are bums and Lazy people who enjoy hoboing but the majority of us would rather be productive members of society rather than just holding out our hands begging. Sure I  have seen the panhandle out. Much more now days here in the greater Twin Falls Idaho area. That said after your pride has been stepped on enough you lose the will to even try. So u become more susceptible to becoming Chemically dependent.  That eventually creates a serious situation of possible incarceration and fines and the endless need to use rather than live life.
Abuse of narcotics is on the rise even more these days. Granted I think there is lots of room in the positive to legalizing canabus. But as much as it is good until the big Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and such are in governmental roles that won't happen in Utah or Idaho.  Shit I am surprised that Wyoming allowed it. 😳 Considering the geographic local of the heart ❤️ of the Church Utah is to Wyoming. Even so the big lie of those giving help to those in need is a lie. Unless your a very close friend or kin of someone in the position of doling out of those benefits, forget it.
There are solutions and ones that are not discussed at anyone's dinner table if there is one. Speaking of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, the 💡 idea of harvest hhhChurch welfare programs was to assist those who needed to buy a plow to plow a field, plant a crop then harvest it to feed and house their families. However there should not be a severe limit on how much or how often.  Yet when I needed help I was issued a court order to stay away. Forget the Testimony talk stuff. THE gall dang Mormonites never have followed much if anything the preach. It is a do as I say not as I do condition. 
Could these needed needs of people who just got down on their luck be cured? Sure. But there are too many fingers in the cookies for that to happen. 
L8R Aviators 

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