Thursday, August 8, 2024

trust me it was not all that much of a compliment.

So was diddling my thumbs so dropped the initials FORD as Farmers Oriental Rice Digger. What it was , was a kind of insult with all Asian made cars and trucks entering our nation as well as invading our real national home bredsport Stock Car[truck] Racing. In short NASCAR. 
I about choked when I saw the mock up of a electric stock car being paraded around by the NASCAR  royalty. Nearly as bad as when they let in Toyota into the sport. Who thought that one 🤔 up ? For that matter why? Did somebody in old man French's office say hey let's bring in foreign makes into the mix. At that rate VW Nissan, and Honda should have been and could still be included of the foreign manufacturers in the sport. Hell for that matter how about allowing a Saturn or a Saab into the allowable manufacturers? Look it's bad enough that the powers that be are politicizing and urbanizing NASCAR  our flags our traditions and such are gearing ran through the manure. It's time that we traditionalists and purisists say quit stepping on NASCAR.  Let's keep the activity here in America. For that matter let's make NASCAR  southern again. 
Now is this the track we want to be on? Somehow I don't think so. I think 🤔 that our world or at least our nation that so many of us fought and some died over is being handed over to parts of this planet that don't share our beliefs and or values. 
If you think that Hamas and Isreal fighting is it think again.  It's just the first volley of things to come. 
Glenn Beck asked on his radiocast tonight why the refugees are invading our borders. It's because we have let them.  Those South American nations want what we have. Albeit being threatened but we have freedom.  At least to a point. 
These elections are rigged have been since 1870 and will continue to be until we as citizens stand up and SAY NO MORE. Take our  nation back.  The only way that happens is under and by today's Confederacy. 
The Christian values that make up that region of origin are not just for Dixie.  Those Confederate values are shared by every single member of the Knytes and WolfPack. 
There are those that claim that the Confederacy was about racism and slavery.  It's the pre programmed history being taught in our schools to our children and even by some organized religions. The real truth is that the war of the invasion of the north was about states rights and injustices.  Not by enslaving anyone. Yet you can't convince most of those in power that their understanding is way off base. 
Only when we start to create a serious civil uprising and get the Southern Movement Party in front of the rest of this nation's political leaders and every day citizens will that vision become reality. As I have said before and I will say It again when old Glory and our beloved crossed flag flies together will this nation be truly UNITED.  But not until. 

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